Everything must serve the idea- I must say this again and again. The means used to convey the idea should be the simplest and most direct and clear. I don't believe in overdressing anything. Just what is required. No extra words, no extra images, no extra music. But it seems to me that this is a universal principal of art. To say as much as possible with a minimum of means. And to be always clear about what you are trying to say. That means, of course, that you must know what you are trying to say. So I guess my first principle is to understand myself, and then to find the simplest way to make others understand it, too.


"We can fulfill the people's demands in a civilized way. We will not receive instruction from anyone. No one makes this decision for us."

"You have gained your liberty. You have gained your right to catch up with the rest of the world. Make the best of it."
-Hosni Mubarak, departing words
"There are no artists. We are businessmen. We are merchants."
-Marlon Brando